Not many clients are planning their centennial year celebrations. But with five years to plan for the event, we began our journey with Research Corporation for Science Advancement with a daring but (surprisingly) non-controversial reimagining of their decades-old logo in 2007. One thing led to another and suddenly we had developed annual reports, exhibit materials, new stationery and collateral, a website, books, and even the naming of their groundbreaking conference program, Scialog. There has been a formula of success for our many years together — acknowledge history, anticipate a bold future, and treat audiences with intelligence and respect.

Thanks to past president Jim Gentile for providing the spark of reinvention for Research Corporation; and to leaders Daniel Linzer, Danny Gasch, Robert Shelton, and Martha Gilliland for expanding on the vision. Thanks also to marketing crews present and past: Angela Hagen, Tommie Goodenow, and Dan Huff. Godat Design project leads included Katie Ylinen, Danny Pagano, Brett Turner, Leticia Craig-Welch, Richard Whitmer. and Jeff Jonczyk.



